tel. 049.8763120 - fax. 049.8752942

Accounting and auditing assistance

01-rev-contabilitàThe experience gained by the Firm’s professionals enables them to provide assistance and comprehensive auditing services, which include continuous supervision of the regular corporate accounting and the proper reporting of operating events in the accounting records. In the sphere of auditing, the Firm also carries out controls on the proper preparation of the financial statements and consolidated Group financial statements, in accordance with the provisions established by Italian law and Italian accounting practice, which state that these statements should represent a true and fair view of the financial position of the company and its operating profit.

Our professionals are involved in the periodic supervision, in accordance with the provisions of Law, of the operations carried out by directors, assuming positions as auditors within corporations and government agencies and contributing to the drafting of informative reports.

The Firm’s professionals actively collaborate with the statutory auditor of the company in which they assume the office of auditor, establishing an intense exchange of information with the aim of improving the performance of the organizational structure.

The Firm’s activities also include:

  • analysis and evaluation of the accounting principles used;
  • review of procedural systems and internal controls;
  • limited audits focused on particular areas or sections;
  • review of fair price appraisal;
  • due diligence audits for the acquisition of companies or groups;
  • issuing the stamp of approval for VAT, corporate, and regional tax credits.